Add Some Cheer This Year to Edison Park
Who doesn't love the holiday season and the extra glow it brings! Boosting your mood and making the commute less daunting. Giving us something to talk about and feel united. We are partnering with the Good Food Pantry and Edison Park's Community Council for our first Residential Holiday Light Contest! Three lucky homes will be presented with a $50 Edison Park gift certificate and a winners yard sign for all to marvel at.
Prizes generously donated by:
To register your home, please fill out the application below, deliver donated pantry items (shed located inside the Metra Station) by Monday, December 9th, at 5PM. Please include your contact on/inside the donated items.
Pantry Items
Canned Vegetables
Chunky Soups
Canned Protein
To learn more about this amazing organization: https://goodfoodpantry.godaddysites.com/

ALL homes will be presented to the public Wednesday, December 11th for voting on our social media platforms. Once your home is decorated, please email a picture of your masterpiece to info@edisonpark.org
Winners being announced Friday, December 20th on our social media pages.

Curry Christmas Castle

Ginger Bread House