Why Join? Here's Why!
Joining our Chamber is a valuable and important business investment. Everyone benefits by working together to enhance Edison Park. While membership has its privilege's, here are some exclusive benefits to consider:
• Promote your business through monthly Chamber events and activities.
• Receive a FREE listing in the annual Edison Park Community Guide (6,000 copies distributed to community residents and other business owners).
• Receive a FREE listing on our website, www.edisonpark.org, including a Google map and a link to your business website.
• Receive a substantial discount on a Business Expo booth at Edison Park Fest, attended by over 20,000 visitors.
• Gain new business contacts by networking both within Edison Park and with adjacent communities.
• Benefit from increased communication with Local and State elected officials.
• Take advantage of the Chamber's role as your liaison with City of Chicago Departments and advocate for business community issues.
• Gain valuable knowledge at informational meetings and seminars.
• Join unique promotional and advertising programs.
• Receive discounts on Chamber events and promotions.
• Receive benefits of the Chicagoland Chamber of Commerce.
• Become eligible to participate in the Edison Park Gift Certificate and New Resident Welcome Bag Programs.
• Access Multi-Chamber Networking Opportunities.
Wait, There's More!
As the leading advocate of business in our community, the Chamber makes things happen for local businesses and the community at large. The Chamber provides business referrals, business card display, city maps, demographic information, display window decals and much more.
The Chamber is also a delegate agency for Business Affairs and Consumer Protection. To learn more about the City of Chicago, this department and how they can help with your business needs, please visit.
Business Affairs and Consumer Protection (BACP):
City of Chicago Small Business Center
The Small Business Center (SBC) is the business licensing division of the City of Chicago’s Department of Business Affairs and Consumer Protection (BACP) and the City’s “ONE-STOP-SHOP” for business licensing, public way use permitting, and connecting entrepreneurs to business resources. To maximize your business needs, please visit:
Small Business Center (SBC)
Neighborhood Business Development Centers (NBDC) Program
Both new and existing businesses can take advantage of our mailing lists and labels; ad rebates in the Membership Directory, and our free notary service.

Already a Member?
Renew your annual membership here!